TYPO3camp Rhine-Ruhr 2019 #WhyAmIHere
Sebastian KleinWhy I like to attend TYPO3camps: a different kind of recap.
These pages want to provide you with assistance and informations about TYPO3 and web development in general.
Hi, I'm Sebastian. On these pages, I record my experiences as a web developer. I have created several TYPO3 extensions that are meant to make your life easier or serve as a demo for special functionalities. You can find them on GitHub, some of them also in the TYPO3 Extension Repository. Here, I write about updates.
However, the centerpiece of my website is the tutorial section. They cover new features in TYPO3, but also general topics. Some of them have become a series, for example about the TYPO3 Form Framework or the Routing Feature in TYPO3 v9 and newer. Everything is available in both english and german language (except for my Dokuwiki with code snippets, sorry).
This part of my blog covers personal open source projects, events I have attended, as well as some technical details of this website.
Why I like to attend TYPO3camps: a different kind of recap.
I use the beautyofcode extension for most of my code examples. It provides two possible syntax highlighting plugins: Syntax Highlighter and Prism. Back then I picked the first option. I now switched for several reasons.
After the release of version TYPO3 9.5 I significantly overhauled my templating extension. This should serve you (and me as well) as a clean foundation for your Site Package, which is the official term.
The all new TYPO3 version 9.5 is available! It feels as if it ships with a ton of new and exciting features. Among other things, the Form Framework was extended: it now enables you to work with conditional variants. I created an extension which contains some simple examples.
After four TYPO3camps I attended my first TYPO3 Dev Days.
Changes: In the TYPO3 backend (WEB>LIST), the records are now sorted in alphabetical order, as already done in the frontend ...
This new TYPO3 extension contains several example forms, e.g. an upload form using the SaveToDatabase finisher, as well as a custom email template with personalized salutation.
In addition to the basetemplate, there also is a starter kit for the new form framework
This plugin provides two buttons for soft hyphens to break long words or strings across lines. One does add a hyphen, the other does not.
This release is compatible with TYPO3 v7 LTS and TYPO3 v8 LTS and comes with several new features.
Today the TYPO3 Association (TCA) launched a new form of membership. For just 7.92 EUR annually, every individual person can join the T3A. I, too, took this opportunity and have now become a recent TYPO3 Community Member.
The new version is now available through the PHP package manager Composer, too. You can download it from the TER as well as Packagist.org.